
#追蹤搶先看 #追蹤柯薩克夫婦 #追蹤我們

#互追蹤 #柯薩克先生帥到漏電帥到出孔


















Since hubby joined the French team, Triangle, his skill of being a goalie was impressed by his teammates.

He’s available to stop the ball from penalty! What makes you a good goalie? If you can stop the ball from free kick, penalty n corner, then you are a good one!

Meanwhile, he coached  football team during the weekend,there’s a day he came home with an injury.

👦🏼,”I got electric shock! A ball was stuck on a basketball hoop, and I tried to take it, after I climbed on the bar...”

👩🏻,” Huh, what happened?”

👦🏼,” The bar had electric and I fell off on the ground, after I got up, here was the hole on my arm!”

👩🏻,”OMG! Let’s take you to the ER!”

My mom was worried about him, so she took us to the best hospital,NTU hospital, in downtown Taipei. There were a lot of people waiting inside.

👦🏼,” can we go home directly after the doctor?”

👩🏻‍🦱,” if she said you’re alright, then we go home.”

The doctor offered ultrasonic, x-ray, blood test...etc, in order of preventing arrhythmia.

👩🏻‍⚕️,” we strongly suggest to stay here for six hours for observation!”

🙍🏼‍♂️,” Oh no!”

💬 thanks to NTU hospital for taking care of him!

💬 The first time in life of getting electric shock!

💬 The first time in life of ER experience!

💬 Be careful of the stadium your hubby goes to!

#異國戀 #異國婚姻 #crossculture #crosscultural #followforfollowback #likeforlikeback #羅式浪漫 #羅式浪漫就是很實際 #受傷日記 #mrnmrscosac #romanianhusbandandtaiwanesewife



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