
#追蹤🔍搶先看➡️ #追蹤我

#追蹤柯薩克夫婦 ⁣#香港結婚登記大挑戰⁣











👧:「這真是考倒我了…嗯!你吃過鼎泰豐的小籠包吧? 那你覺得同樣是包哪種你比較喜歡呢? 」⁣








We were still waiting for the registration ceremony to come, so why not spent a day to enjoy the local cuisine?⁣

Walking on Nathan Rd., I saw the special Yee Shiun company, this is famous of their steamed milk pudding, so I dragged you into the store to share one(20HKD)together.⁣

Walking to the corner, we saw DimDimSum, you were hungry and asked me if we could try this restaurant.⁣

After getting in the restaurant, it surprised us that there’re many tourists enjoying the food inside. DimDimSum is a English-friendly restaurant, they offered bilingual menu, and you ordered a lot of delicious dishes!⁣

Looking at you smiled like a flower, I got satisfied too, and I made up my mind, after I brought you back to Taiwan, I’ll let you try the HK cuisine in Taipei again!⁣

💬Which cuisine is your favorite?⁣

💬My hubby loves BBQ pork bun!⁣

👱,"Sotia, What's the difference between the cuisine in Taiwan and Hong Kong?"


👧, "Wow! This is a good question!  You had the steamed bun from Din Tai Fan before, right? The same way of steaming buns, which one you like 

better? "


👱, "I think both are tasty, they have their own specialty."


👧, "Mmmmm..... that's the answer!"


💬It's better not to talk about the history between Taiwan and Hong Kong during the meal!


💬Focus on the meal, my love!


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