







Travel to the beautiful spots ⁣
You and Mircea scheduled the trip, after buying the supplies, we drove almost a day, by the time we approached to another city, it’s almost reaching late night, on the road, there’re a lot of wheat fields and old classic building, made me feel like I was in the western cowboys movies.⁣
Entering the city, we needed to eat dinner before to check in into the hostel.It was a rainy late night, we found a restaurant which was still opened around 8-9 pm, it’s packed there.⁣

👦🏼👨🏻‍🦲”Let’s check out the menu, what do you girls wanna eat?”⁣

👩🏻”Wow! The menu has English in it! It’s convenient 🤩”⁣

👱🏻‍♀️”I wanna a cheese pizza.”⁣

Then you told me...⁣
👦🏼”We’ll, if you don’t know what to order, let me order something special for u.”⁣

👩🏻”Wow! There’re too many choice to decide🤪”⁣

You ordered Mămăligă cu pui for me, it’s corn cake made by corn powder, tasted really good! With the sour cream and BBQ chicken / lamb, it’s an amazing meal for the night! ⁣

#旅程 #mamaliga #mămăligă #mămăligacupui #pizza #trip #journey #lovestory #羅式浪漫 #羅式浪漫就是很實際 #聽故事 #mrnmrscosac #romanianhusbandandtaiwanesewife




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