


👩🏻「好哦!」 ⁣


就這樣,柯太與丈人的獨處時光長達半個小時以上,原本以為柯薩克大概十分鐘就出來,沒想到因此創造了機會讓我可以跟丈人溝通聊天。 ⁣

💬 其實柯太也是看左側街道、看建築、看地上,再微笑與柯爸四目相對⁣


The precious time with tata⁣
Entering Bucharest, the first destination was the City Hall and the police station. If a Romanian’s ID card is expired, it’s necessary to pay a tax ( it’s 15Lei, 1 Lei =7 NTD) at the City Hall and to apply a new one from the police department from your district. The working days are about two weeks.⁣

Entering the police station, I was really curious to see what did it look like inside, it was full of people waiting in line, although there’re AC but not enough seats, everyone was standing. ⁣

You didn’t want me to wait inside.⁣
👦🏼”Why don’t you go stay with tata?”⁣

Standing in the shadow, in front of us were the police cars, it’s the first time I stayed with tata along , tata was nice and shy, standing at the right side, looked to the right side of the street, up to the sky, down on the ground, then ..gave me the eye contact.⁣

👩🏻”Yeah! The weather is really nice!”⁣
👴🏻pointed to the birds”$@*%#¥!🥰”⁣
👩🏻”Wow!There’re birds!”⁣

We stayed and chatted for more than half hours, it’s actually fun for me to chatted with tata. ⁣

💬Actually I was looking to the left, to the building, and the ground, then gave tata a big smile and eye contact.⁣
💬Did you guess it right? My dad in law spoke in Romanian, and I spoke in English. (We actually can’t communicate)⁣

✔️We chatted for 30 mins, n English is not enough.⁣
✔️No matter where you looked to, big smile is always necessary.⁣
✔️Body language is the beginning of international etiquette.⁣

#communication #bodylanguage #羅式浪漫 #羅式浪漫就是很實際 #fatherinlaw #來聽故事吧



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